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Showing posts from 2015

The Caribbean side of Central America: Belize and Guatemala

As I wrote before, we have had the chance to visit Central America a few times over the last few years and we love it. While we love Costa Rica and Mexico, we also had a great time visiting the Caribbean side of Central America during our trip to Belize and Guatemala. It was a quick 6-day trip but we packed a lot during that time. As we often do, we moved a few times in these 6 days, visiting 2 countries and a total of 3 hotels. Our itinerary was as follows. Belize, sea side Red eye from Los Angeles to Belize airport. Right after breakfast by the dock in Belize City, pick up by boat and day-trip around the Cayes on the way to our first destination, Ramon's Village Resort on the little island of San Pedro. During the tour, we got to look for (and find) manatees, visited a beautiful island with perfect white sand for lunch, swam/snorkeled with sharks and enjoyed a full day of bumpy boat ride. Nothing better to keep us awake after the red eye! That said, we were glad when we arrived ...