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Showing posts from March, 2020

Beautiful Indian Wedding Whirlwind

It sounded like a crazy idea. We had been invited to a dear friend's wedding in India, and we had realized that this might be our only/last chance to ever attend a wedding in India. The prospect of visiting India and witnessing an amazing wedding sounded very attractive. However, this was in the middle of the school year and we would need our little explorers to take a trip around the world for a few days of wedding delight, to just turn around and catch up on school right away. It felt a little crazy. But then again the idea of giving them the chance to experience the Indian culture at a young age made up for all the school they would miss. We RSVP-ed to the wedding and so it started.  After reviewing the schedule, our itinerary was as follows: Left the Bay Area on a Tuesday night, via red eye to Delhi. With the time change, arrived around midnight Wednesday night in Delhi. We spent a short night at an airport hotel. After a nice, tasty breakfast the next morning (Thursday) we dro...