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Showing posts from 2010

Time for Christmas cards planning

Two weeks ago, we attended this great wedding in beautiful Santa Barbara. The location was perfect: right by the beach, and the weather cooperated: very warm all the way through the evening. We could enjoy having drinks outside and watching the sun set. The adults obviously had a great time. But even Daniel and Charlotte did really well. Not sure if I would say that Charlotte had a great time. But she definitely didn't mind playing with a variety of new, very friendly people. Daniel loved the new experience of music, dancing, seeing the groom come to the wedding on a horse, etc... And we managed to take a decent family photo, which I hope we will be able to use in our Christmas cards this year. Because, yes, this is this time of year again. Within 2 weeks, the weather changed to rain and wind. Days are clearly getting shorter, and pumpkins are "flourishing" everywhere. The Holidays will be upon us quickly, so it's not too early to start thinking about Holiday cards. F...

Europe trip update - jet lag with kids

I survived my first solo (intercontinental) flight with 2 kids, aged 2.5 years and 3 months! The trip itself went quite well. It was a night flight, which helped a lot. Once the kids fell asleep (with some difficulties for Charlotte due to the over-stimulation of the new environment), they both slept through the flight. It was even one of the most quiet flights I had been in in a long time. It was great to come and visit family. The kids loved being with the grand parents and they enjoyed the extra attention. Daniel had the grandest time, with all the activities planned, from visiting the zoo to riding the bus and trains, going on a boat trip, etc...all very exciting! He did really well during the days despite several bumpy nights due to jetlag. Jetlag definitely is the bitter side of the trip. And, contrary to what doctors say, it affects babies a lot. That is, unless you are unlucky to have a baby who never settles into a day/night rhythm. With 9 hours time difference between Calif...

Introducing a more thoughtful Greeting Card by Tinyprints

It's been a while since I posted... Been busy preparing for baby #2, moving (more on this in my next post) and working. Yes, a lot of work. I usually don't talk much about work on this blog, but I needed to share my excitement about Tinyprints' new Greeting Cards . We launched last week, and have gotten really good feedback about our new product. No wonder, it's meant to be a breakthrough in the way people buy and send Greeting Cards. First, you can customize your greeting card with pictures, your own text, signature, etc... Then, you can decide to have them sent to you if you want to give to the recipient in person, or Tinyprints can send them directly for you. Also, Tinyprints makes it easy for you to manage all your Greeting Cards needs : there is a calendar where you can add all your key events, select and order your greeting cards in advance, see a list of the cards you already ordered. So, in just a few minutes, you can create unique greeting cards for all impor...

Christmas trip to Europe & language boost

Over the holidays, we visited our families in France and Germany. All of us, including Daniel, were really looking forward to the break and to catching up with everyone. For the first time, Daniel also could somewhat comprehend what was going on. He had been asking for 2 months when we would be visiting Oma and Opa , and he understood the need to travel far to see them. He was also involved in the packing and had his very own backpack to carry. The trip went well. Despite a 3-hour delay in the airport, Daniel did great: checking the activity in the airport, riding the shuttle between terminals, etc... He also didn't have any problem walking all the way in the airports (we didn't have the baby backpack this time), despite the fact that we came in at the furthest-away gate in Frankfurt after a 10-hour flight. Once we arrived, he was very excited to see Oma and Opa. He had been anticipating the hugs he would give them for so long, and he wasn't disappointed. It was so cute! Da...